Category: Tutorials

  • When working with Flutter iOS apps, sometimes the version and build number may not update correctly when archiving in Xcode. This can be a frustrating issue, especially if you’re preparing the app for release. Here’s a solution that might help resolve this problem: If you’ve already tried running the commands mentioned in other solutions and…

  • When working with Flutter, one common UI requirement is to have a BottomSheet move along with the keyboard. This can be particularly useful when you have a TextField within the BottomSheet that is autofocused. In this article, we’ll discuss how to achieve this using the isScrollControlled property and proper padding with MediaQuery. To ensure a…

  • When developing with Flutter and Dart, encountering the “instance of ‘Future<dynamic>’” error can be a bit puzzling at first. Let’s break down what this error means, and then I’ll guide you through some steps to resolve it. What are Futures in Dart? In Dart, a Future represents a potential value or error that will be…

  • Flutter, the open-source UI software development kit from Google, offers a dynamic environment for building visually appealing mobile apps. One crucial aspect of app design is the seamless integration of icons. They not only enhance aesthetic appeal but also facilitate user navigation. This tutorial delves into the top icon packages available for Flutter, aiding developers…

  • If you’re developing a Flutter app, you may have noticed a red banner with the word “DEBUG” appearing at the top right corner of your app’s screen. This banner is known as the Flutter debug banner, and it’s used to indicate that your app is currently running in debug mode. While this banner is useful…

  • In Flutter, you may want to use custom colors that aren’t available in the default color palette. One way to do this is by using hexadecimal color strings. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use hexadecimal color strings in Flutter to create custom color schemes for your app. You can use hexadecimal color…

  • In Flutter, dialogs are a common way to display important information or receive user input. By default, dialogs are dismissed when the user taps outside of the dialog box. However, there may be cases where you want to prevent the dialog from closing on outside touch. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to achieve…

  • The app launcher icon is not just a tiny image on a user’s screen; it’s often the very first interaction they have with your app. In a world full of apps, having an eye-catching app launcher icon can significantly increase your app’s visibility and attractiveness. This tutorial provides a straightforward, step-by-step guide on how to…

  • If you’re working with Flutter, you may encounter an error message that says “the argument type ‘null’ can’t be assigned to the parameter type ‘key’.” This error occurs when you’re trying to pass a null value to a method or constructor that expects a non-null argument. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to fix…

  • With Dart, you may encounter an error message that says “the operator ‘[]’ isn’t defined for the type ‘object’. try defining the operator ‘[]’.” This error occurs when you’re trying to use the indexing operator on an object that doesn’t have the ‘[]’ operator defined. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to define the…